The African diaspora has and continues to make a global impact on culture and society around the world. From education to Music, food, art, sports, architecture, science, business, agriculture to name a few of the industries that the impact and influence of Africa and the African diaspora can be seen.
The African diaspora constitutes a collective body of people dispersed in many parts of the world through which networks can be developed and individuals mobilized; all with a shared vision of creating economically and socially sustainable communities in Africa.
Understanding the power of the African Diaspora, P2M has partnered with many African Diaspora organizations to achieve the goal of exposing African students to American higher education. With the financial support a d donations from the African diaspora P2M has been able to provide academic opportunities and scholarships to many deserving students from Africa to study in the United States.
We encourage members of the African Diaspora to donate to P2M, your donations make the leaders of tomorrow you can be proud of. Please donate today. All donations are tax deductible.