To study in the United States or Canada you must have a student visa. Your course of study and the type of school you plan to attend will determine what kind of visa you need. (F or M visa). P2M will assist you in navigating the process in order to receive the right student visa. We will advise you on all the documents you need to gather, in order to prepare and submit the application.
To enter the United States to attend: You need the following
visa category:

Student Acceptance at a SEVP Approved School
The first step is to apply to a SEVP-approved school in the United States and P2M has partnered with many SEVP approved schools. Once you are admitted to an SEVP approved school, then we will move you through the process of obtaining the visa. If your spouse and/or children intend to live with you in the United States while
you study, we will help in getting them a visa as well.
How To Apply
Applying for a student visa can be very complicated especially for foreign students
who do not have experience, or who do not have a family member who had gone through the process who can advise them. P2M is ready to assist you, once you
have been admitted to a school in the United States or Canada. The steps to receiving the visa may vary depends on the foreign country and/or the embassy or
New Students – Student (F and M) visas for new students can be issued up to 365 days in advance of the start date for a course of study. However, you will not be allowed to enter the United States on your student visa more than 30 days before the start date.
Continuing Students – Student (F and M) visas for continuing students may be issued at any time, as long as the student is currently enrolled at a SEVP-approved school or institution and in SEVIS. Continuing students may enter the United States at any time before classes start.